The EEENOOBS Official Site

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

First Post

Welcome to the noobs page.

Here are the members.
Last row:(from left) Ming Dannavaro Kessi Stephadinho Ganinho
Mid row:(from left)Dani Gattuso Jininho Kang Kang
Front row: Lily Ling


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad two of our players, Arthuro and Van Carterz being "sent off"...
plus we have to find some substitute players also~~~ ahha

6:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah man...maybe can get sandun viraj wimalaguna kodituwakku (hope i got that rite) hahaha...can use him to play wing...if not cannot make it lah our wingers at all XD

6:30 PM  

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