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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Resolutions for 2007

Due to popular demand, I'm creating this post for all of u noobs to put ur new year resolutions in hehehe...just feel free to edit the post and fill up the lil spaces ya =D, so come on peeps....join in the fun (well yea, there's nothing much to do on the 1st of january anyway since all the shops are closed ZZZZZZ....)

and our new year resolutions areeeee...*drums rolling*:

jininho - after some consideration, i've decided that my resolution for this year would mostly be the same as that for 2006 (cos unlike danna, i dun tend have the same resolution since 2001 =p)...that is to be a blessing to everyone around me, and to let them be happy with my company, hehe erm...besides that i wana grow in every aspect (except sideways lah!), all physically, mentally n spiritually...and to be able to continue adopting my positive + happy outlook on life =)

dannavaro - yup, since resolution has been quitting those damn cigarettes. But why would it work this time around? Because it doesnt matter how many times you fall, just pick yourself up again! Second, I'm gonna be more punctual just because it irritates people..(i dont see what wrong with that)'s ur culture u malaysians!As with all things with life, I shall take things step by step..and personally I think quitting would be one heck of a hurdle. Looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!btw, quitting means smoke-free for 1 whole year. Goodbye Marlboro, you've been a great pal through good and bad times.

kessi - ya I think i really need to change my moody attitude la... ya it wont make others feel happy but at least wont make ppl around me feel bad... especially ya Steph... she know it quite well :P

dani - lolz :p here is my 'list' 1) Have a healthy lifestyle i.e. wake up early, jog and eat breakfast, have sports more consistently 2) Learn how to cook 3) Learn another language (Jap or Korean) or strengthen my mandarin 4) Improve Guitar playing 5) Learn how to lead praise and worship (along with that learning how to sing :p ) 6) To be faithful in sharing on who God is and How good He is :) 7) hmmm...i guess i'll stop here..getting a bit too long, and too 'ideal' to really accomplish these :p ..haha....check up on me to make sure i still jog and etc :p oh ya..and i need to stop touching my hair habit too :p

jininho @ 11.24am on the first day of 2007


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