the best things in life...are worth 5 bucks.

haha, the bbq this afternoon...rocked.
for 5 bux, u get to erm...sit outdoors, breathe in the fresh (sometimes cold) air, line up in this MASSIVELY long queue waiting for the sausages to cook, land up smelling exactly like the sausages themselves cos u waited too long in the queue, watching the lecturers n nerd-ier students mucking around having so-called 'intelligent' conversations, ahhhh...isn't that the life everyone so secretly desires? oh yeah...did i mention that a certain professor was sitting idly on the grass looking cool in his sunnies, n totally forgetting the fact that he hadta e-mail his wonderful students a template for their poster?!?!?! names will be recorded here =p.
on the more interesting side of things, at least Ian Matthews proved to be entertaining, sharing this wonderful story about how some random guy (or according to Gaius, definitely a gal =p) managed to blow up ALL the capacitors on the board doing the radio receiver experiment? i bet the whole class had a laugh...i most certainly would have lollll...oh ya oh ya...n the sight of the 2 most LCLY people in elec eng discussing ways how to be even more LC to the students, least we're all going to grad d...if nothing goes wrong that is. dun worry ganinho, ur turn in one sem's time =D
come to think about it...that 5 bux might have actually been worth it after all.
jininho @ 1.15am
eh? haha who added in the pic? coolness any more nice ones or is that it...
thats it from that day
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