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Monday, April 23, 2007


yo guys..finally...itz easy to post in da blog again :)

For those who didn't know..OCF had an easter camp from 14-17th of April
It was really see how God had moved in people's hearts and also every single detail (weather, transport and etc) was watched over and planned well :)
Here's a little pic which i have at the moment

Anywayz..a little update bt myself, since Dessie and Gattuso have done so already..
I'm going back to Malaysia (Klang) tomorrow!!! 24th April!!
Gaius! I'll be going to Singapore 1st of May, will probably be there for 3-5 days..
Do email me your handphone and housephone number ok?

Praise God for the quick PR (received it within 2 months)
so that now i can go back..
and perhaps start my phd next semester

In the mean time, Itz back to home sweeeeet home :)
Was initially planning to go to some 'Orang Asli' (indigenous people) unofficial mission trip
But called my sis last night, and she is interested to go to Cambodia instead, as one of our pastors, who was my advisor before, she is serving in Cambodia :)
So ya!! I'm excited :)
Still praying about where to go..hehe
btw...My hair is dyed :p
did it becoz it was free!!! buahahaha...

tats all for now :p
now itz Jininho, Kantona, Kessi, Stephie, Ganny, Carteris and etc's turn!



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