The EEENOOBS Official Site

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Been a while...


Anyone there???

It's a long shot but maybe.. JUST MAYBE! someone is out there!

So in case you decided to take a nostalgic trip back in time to this page, HELLO!

It's Gaius here! Blogging live from Singapore! Well.. by the time you read this i suppose it's not so 'live' anymore.. but oh well...

I'm doing well over here! Into my 6th month of working life already. Probably still a newbie compared to most of you... FYI, i'm working at Panasonic Singapore Laboratories which is one of their research overseas labs... in the wireless technology department... so think WIFI, bluetooth, zigbee, etc... presently working on next generation stuff... so far it's pretty ok.. lots to study and learn before i can really contribute but i guess takes time.. i'll be patient.

Other than that, not that interesting perhaps?? And if you were wondering, wedding bells not about to ring just yet.. although, Hong Li's is somewhere around the corner i think! no official date received but anyone else intending to go??? I'll probably go subject to work contraints. It seems that my work requires me to travel quite a bit.. Mostly Japan.. at least once every 2 months.. so yupz.. will have to see how.

Hmm.. my lunch time is sort of up now so will end the post like that i guess... you can query me anytime! Oh, and any other newsworthy announcements from the rest??? I know i've not been keeping touch with all of you but i'm interested to know nonetheless!! And do let me know if you're travelling to Singapore so can catch up!

(Still...) kiddo!! =)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

howdy ppl! a quick update from jw

it's 11.15pm on a sat night and i'm dead buggered...just had the hardest baddy training session ever hahaha, how's everyone really? it's been awhile since i've seen/heard from most of you...with the exception of ganny (random chinatown meetings) and 10ny my occasional lunch date =p

don't ask me why i decided to post all of a's a spur of the moment kinda thing so my next post might be in a long while...but yea, how can i post something without giving anyone who still checks the blog occasionally an update on my life???

well, am working in PB still, it's been like 9 mths now...and life's been treating me really well...can't complain whatsoever really cos am really enjoying myself in almost everything i do playing baddy and indoor soccer twice a week....and bum around/go for random outings on the weekends most of the time...which pretty much sums up my life currently, always on the run with the occasional break put in btw jasmine might be able to clarify it's a lil hard to get a hold of me nowadays, and for that i apologise!!! just make our next meeting to NOT happen on a saturday night ok? =D

what else can i say? it'll be nice if someone else follows my lead and places a post up as well...but keep in touch ppl!!! am ever willing to listen/hear from any of you=)

all the best...n till next time

jw at home@11.25pm on a random saturday night

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Quick Update!

hiya gang!

Just wanted to inform anyone who may care that i'm planning on visiting Adelaide at the end of Apr this year! cool yar! Really miss the place.. and all ya folks. well, i haven't confirmed so i guess shouldn't really say but yar, quite exciting. planning like 26th apr to 3rd may or something close to that. will be dropping over with my sis for a short visit. is there anyone who's going to be in adelaide then? must meet up for sure! k lar, will end with a picture which may interest some of you.. was a while back but i've been too lazy to scan it in till today. check it out.

God bless ya all!


p.s. guy on the bottom right is me i think. can't quite see but by method of elimination it should be. =P

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Dreaming in the 'City of Dreaming Spires'

Keble College, Oxford.

Dear EEEpros,
How have you all been? Hope all of you are doing fine and healthy in all parts of the world, doing all sorts of jobs. As for me, I guess you all should know
 that I safely arrived in another planet called Oxford exactly two weeks ago. First and foremost, I've gotta apologize for not keeping in touch a lot when  I was back in Malaysia. That's cos I was having too much fun that I've forgotten you guys..hahah.:p I'm just joking. I was just wasting my days away..
And I would really really really Thank all of you for doing so much for me when I left Adelaide, the trip, the sendoff, and the photo frame which I love much. Although I only discover the 'second' photo after a few months...Hahhha.. But anyways, thanks very much for being so thoughtful!! It's really sweet when guests visit and love that pic!
Well, what's Oxford like? Let's start with the weather, it's rains an awful lot here and not so much different than Adelaide in the winter, except less sunshine, colder, and wetter. I was so dissapointed there was no snow.apparently it rarely snows here.damnit!.. 
Oxford is a beautiful city (not as beautiful as Cambridge apparently), because it's very green and scenic here and the buildings are all old and historic. It's as though it hasn't developed since 100 years ago.  But Oxford is dated back to the 12th century..its' really really old.

So what I've been doing for the past weeks here? Well, I've been given a really good tutorial by my supervisor. This is how the Oxford  system works, students have one on one tutorials with the tutors. On my first tutorial:
Supervisor: So how much do you know about state-space?
des: Nothing really.
Supervisor: Okay here's some reading material for you (throws two stack of papers of lecture notes about 40pages). How long would take for you to read this?
des: (flips through the pages) week?
Supervisor: Nope. 4 hours. I'll see you tomorrow.
des: ..................
I still don't understand half of the stuff he gave me until today..Lol And this kept going on every week till today. But it's getting slightly better cos I'm getting lazier and less bothered.
Well, a very Happy Gong Xi Fa Cai to everyone! There are some pics on my Facebook but it's all pics of buildings, no one to take photos with yet.hahahah..but will get some soon!
Take care!! Good luck in your studies (danny only) and all the best as we embark on our careers!
Just an old photo for reminiscing sake :D seems so long ago..but I sure do miss those moments..
           The Cag, Adelaide.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Been a long time...

..since i've updated ya'll eh?

yar, apologise to u all.. have not forgotten any of u yet. Just that NS is taking its toil on me. never have the mood to do much thinking on the weekends.. to much like work u know? =) anyway, just a quick update, i'm somewhere in my 4month of my training to be a sergeant in Civil Defence here in Singapore. The training has been tough but just 2months more! I'm not sure how much i can reveal without infriging on any laws. I've finished most of the basic fire-fighting training which took up the first 3 months.. u know, learning how to use rescue equipment and doing lots of drills. There's been plenty of test so far but i think i'm doing ok. Next week got my term 2 test. yupz, TESTS! written test! but is ok lar.. they give us the questions. Should be not too much of a prob.

See if ya can still recognise me.

More recently, i've just got back from Outward Bound training in Brunei.. Nope, NOT holiday.. spent a week there jungle treking and other stuff including a 10km run etc.. was tough but i'm glad i went lar.. was a good experience. Now i got a cert for that! ok, so next are my last 7-8 wks and its going to be tough for sure. got lots more tests both practical and theory and a lot more physical sufferings coming up. But yar, i'm coping!

Other than NS, not too much lar... Hope all of ya are doing GREEAAAT!

God bless!


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

howdy peeps!

howz everyone of u lazy buggers who somehow or another refuse to blog? haha...sorta lost contact with a fair few of ya already, as almost all of u will know, we had a trip to victor harbour which served both as des's fairwell and a getaway from working life...i think someone who actually has some pics can upload them somehow for the rest to see yea...ganny i'm still waiting for my pics tho ><

yea working life...hard to imagine that at this time last year we were all preparing for exams already hahah, time really flies eh? as an update to the rest of ya, i've already changed jobs to my 2nd (and final) company of my placement...namely Clipsal Integrated Systems, doing hardware design and a bit of programming to get lil stuff working, good fun year will be off to des's old company to do consulting instead lol =p

hahah that's bout it i guess...just scribble abit every now n then yea, especially u steph who always ask ppl to blog but dun blug urself hehe...take care peeps!

jininho @ 11.11pm Wed 24th Oct

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

More previews

Things to do at victor harbor::
+ biking
+ canoe
+ mahjong
+ cards
+ penguins
+ goolwa cockling(maybe too cold)
+ ps2
+ wii
+ frisbee
+ soccer
+ volleyball
+ cranium (some game that combines pictionary and taboo and trivia pursuit.)

those are the things that me and jinweng came up with
anyone wants to add anything else?

peace out ganny