The EEENOOBS Official Site

Sunday, October 29, 2006

the end is near!

wow.. can't believe our uni life is almost over!!!!!! any woohoos?? can't believe how relaxed we are this round of exams.. tsk tsk.. is almost as though we were already done.. is there a point i'm driving at?? none watsoever! i'm just de-stressing after hours of unproductive FM study.. almost done with this horrid subject.. hope the others are doing better than me.. r..i..t..e.. seems like final year din was lots of FUN! eh "dessy"?? soso!! put more pics up lar!! and yar any videos of charlie and da band??? k lar.. i'm just going on and on without anything meaningful to say... so i'd better hit the books again.. adios amigos.

gaius (err... not "prof yowie" or anything)


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