The EEENOOBS Official Site

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Mango Pudding

Hi all

just a short one (really this time).

By request, i'll post my pudding.. onto the blog.. enjoy!

and that's my dog.. her name is Twinkle.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A short one?

Heya noobs...

hope everybody is doing great! it sure has been a while since i've posted.. but i'll probably keep this short coz my boss/aunt should be coming in soon.. yupz, that's right ppl! i'm spending the remaining days before the dreaded NS (national service==army==suffering?) days arrive.. yy? coz my aunt needs help.. there's some lawsuit stuff going on here and a lot of prep is in order.. anyway, it's not so bad.. i'm not wasting away my time on computer games or walking around aimlessly but am earning a bit of pocket money and lightening my aunt's load. The work mainly comprises of office stuff.. photocopying, labelling, binding, duplicating files etc.. u know.. real *cough* "pro" stuff.. is ok.. not as boring as u might expect.

so basically that's what i'm caught up with these few weeks.. oh, and i got a puppy.. a mini-maltese and her name is Twinkle (which she is determined not to respond to).. this is the first proper time my family is keeping a dog and it's plenty challenging.. i'll post a pic up when i have the time to upload it.. hmm let me see.. what else.. erm. i've been sick? am just recovering from the flu and it has put an unexpected stop to my pre-enlistment preparations.. i'm like way behind.. need all the practice i can get.. i'll start again soon. biggest problem is my chin-ups.. i can do like 2-3. aiming for at least 8.. oh joy! anyway, other than that, shouldn't be so bad.. sit-and-reach is gonna be hard too.. i'll be enlisting in March sometime.. no idea yet.. okok.. nothing really interesting. oh. i got a new look!!!! to be more specific and less interesting, new specs! (chey?) it's black and plastic (in accordance to the NS requirements i believe). So far i've had both positive and negative comments.. u know how controversial these things can get yar? =P

k lar.. i better stop.. aunt not yet here but i think u're getting really bored? missing ya all.. ciao.

God bless!


gaius (aka kiddo)

Friday, January 12, 2007


o...k....what originally was an experiment that was to be conducted by dani n myself became a potluck by accident =p...but here's the list of the stuff u guys are supposed to bring, rmb ya? as well as the time and date...update this page if they're any changes, hahaha...=D

date: monday the 15th of january
nominated time: 6.30pm so that we can start eating at 7pm (i know u ppl wun get there on time anyway =p)
location: bent street kangkang's place


jininho + dani: sambal eggs + drinks
ganinho + yuting + tzeling: rice cooked with eggs and chicken + kangkung belacan
kangkang: white rice and the cutlery
kessi + steph: beef rendang? or whatever rendang hahaha...
danna: dessert...supposedly lychees n cincau n some other stuff @.@

okay...that's done, as a sidenote, there IS baddy this sunday at 3pm, but only 6 ppl so i'll prolly book only 1 court lol...

jininho @ 1026pm on jan da 12th

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

EEEnoobs CD of Memories

yoyooyo guys..
i'm thinking of..
y not..we compile all of our photos together..
if possible..only the 'better' ones..
and burn it into the CD-R or DVD-R
then we can mail one to Gaius and Hong Li

wat do u all think?
itz gonna take a fair bit of effort..
but i think it will be such a good thing to keep :)
would love to have one...

-Dani @ 10:10am 3rd Jan 2007