The EEENOOBS Official Site

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Been a while...


Anyone there???

It's a long shot but maybe.. JUST MAYBE! someone is out there!

So in case you decided to take a nostalgic trip back in time to this page, HELLO!

It's Gaius here! Blogging live from Singapore! Well.. by the time you read this i suppose it's not so 'live' anymore.. but oh well...

I'm doing well over here! Into my 6th month of working life already. Probably still a newbie compared to most of you... FYI, i'm working at Panasonic Singapore Laboratories which is one of their research overseas labs... in the wireless technology department... so think WIFI, bluetooth, zigbee, etc... presently working on next generation stuff... so far it's pretty ok.. lots to study and learn before i can really contribute but i guess takes time.. i'll be patient.

Other than that, not that interesting perhaps?? And if you were wondering, wedding bells not about to ring just yet.. although, Hong Li's is somewhere around the corner i think! no official date received but anyone else intending to go??? I'll probably go subject to work contraints. It seems that my work requires me to travel quite a bit.. Mostly Japan.. at least once every 2 months.. so yupz.. will have to see how.

Hmm.. my lunch time is sort of up now so will end the post like that i guess... you can query me anytime! Oh, and any other newsworthy announcements from the rest??? I know i've not been keeping touch with all of you but i'm interested to know nonetheless!! And do let me know if you're travelling to Singapore so can catch up!

(Still...) kiddo!! =)