The EEENOOBS Official Site

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

choo choo! cha ching!

okok stupid title.. but yar.. running low on brain power at the moment.. since no one documented it, i've decided to take the initiative to write this short "filler".. okok.. let's begin..

Sometime ago me (gaius), danny, arthur, dessy, jin weng, and Shaun (correct spelling?) paid a visit to a certain sushi outlet on gouger st. Sooooo.. sounds pretty normal yar?? anyway, for whatever reason we found ourselves there (believe me there was a reason), it soon turned into a bit of a feast.. well.. this pretty much just applied to our 2 sushi connoisseurs Desmond and Arthur..

Here's a quick pic of the feast they had... wait wait, it gets better! if u're not familiar with how sushi train works, the cost of each dish is colour coded.. here's the breakdown.

Anyway, to save u the trouble of checking it urself, the bill came up to an even $50 for the 2 sushi addicts.. shocking yar? $25 each!!! well just comparing to me and danny with our $12 bill u get the idea.. of course we were starving while they continued to eat but our wallets took less of a hit.. anyway, here's the 'cherry topping' for our little story.. our 2 dear noobs ended up paying ~$75 for their meal! think there was an error with the bill but no one noticed until we left the place.. sososo.. that's pretty much the end of this little episode..

now if u're still wondering about y we ended up at sushi train in the first place, perhaps i'll enlighten u a little.. let's just say there was a certain someone working there that a certain other someone wanted to see.. okok.. u can figure it out urselves.. i dun wanna embarass anybody.. if that certain other someone wants to edit the post, feel free to lar..

jininho - gaius might be too nice to say it so i'll take the honours this time, that certain someone from the noobs isssssss...danna (of cos =p), but ask him for more details if u wana =D


Monday, November 27, 2006

Rake Crabbing @ Thompson Beach

Following the original plan, the noobs were suppose catch some crabs. However, true to Murphy's Law, it all went wrong. Only two of the noobs turned up. Nonetheless, here is their story..

At approximately 1000, we embark on our journey. It took us about45 minutes to get there. Throughout the journey there, the scenery was nothing but vast empty lands spanning the horizon. One cannot help but think that SA is such a big place.

Upon arriving at our destinition, we were greeted by the warm sun and buzzing flies ( which were freaking irritating). Stupid aussie flies seems to have an affinity of buzzing near our faces. Maybe we are just a good looking

The beach is a breathtaking place. The warm sun burning our skin, the gentle breeze that carrasses our faces, the light blue sky, the clear waters, the sound of waves crashing, the sounds of birds chirping. It was all too alluring and calm. This crab sanctuary.A great place to escape from the bustling, noisy and dusty city.

After lubing up ourselves with sun block, we armed ourselves with our trustee rakes and pails
and charged towards the fatty crabs.

For the next 2hours or so, we thread the water in search of crabs. Maybe i should explain the arcane technique of rake crabbing. When u spot a crab (which is the hardest part), approach it with stealth. Next, use the rake and rake it to death. Chances are, the crab will flee forward, and in that case, just proceed to rake the shit out of it. However, if the crab flee towards you, you are basically screwed. Just jump and shout like a girl.

According to Lily, the other technique is to allow the crab to attach itself to one of your hands. Using the other hand, just simply grab the crab from the back. Talking about craziness, one dude who was with us actually grabbed a crab with his barehands, while coming face to face with the crab!

After a hard day of work, we manage to caught a decent 20 crabs or so.I'll upload some videos of crabbing action and a panoromic view of the beach later.

Satisfied with our catch, we headed back home where a feast of delicious fatty crabs awaits.

des @ 12.55am

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Picture of the day

Saw this picture in my forum. Hope you guys like it.....


Tuesday, November 21, 2006


just created an account for the site.. post pics there if u want.. is ok for sharing but yar.. will use it for the site more.. is nothing special.

user and password same as for this blog. Check with blog founder Gan Chun Khai for details.


Monday, November 20, 2006

The noob's gundam collection (EDITED)

time for a quick rundown on what happened when kangkang n i (chern leing was with us as well hahah) went gundam shopping at some shop near my place...had a look around n stumbled upon 2 similar Wing Zero Customs!! woohoo...dream come true, the best thing is that it was only $10.95, which is cheaper than what ganinho can get from that shop on hindley (including the 20% discount) =p...only negative is that they didn't sell Strike Freedom which was the other gundam i wanted, but i guess u can't win them all rite? =)

just a brief introduction to the pictures posted (for all the gundam noobs out there):
- first picture shows ganinho's gundam, supposedly the normal one most ppl in the army use -_-
- pic number 2 is Justice from gundam seed, the same series which produced Strike Freedom
- the 3rd and 4th pictures are those of kangkang's red n one white, i'm not that much of a gundam fan so dun ask me the type n build pls...
- Last and 5th pictures are our Wing Zero Customs (newly bought and built XD) prizes for guessing which one is mine and which one is not, especially for those of u who've been to my place =p
- 6th picture is that of kangkang's Freedom, which is ALMOST the gundam i want (Strike Freedom ~= Freedom) hehe...maybe one day i'll find it...

jininho @ 957pm

Thursday, November 16, 2006

WANTED! Students at large!

On the 16th of November 2006 at about 12 noon, certain criminal activities were witnessed in the Electrical Mathematics Computer suite.. Eight to nine students whose identity remains undisclosed committed the crime of PLAYING GAMES in a study environment using the university's prime resources.. About 2 hours into their ghastly crime Mr Stephen Guest (see right), laboratory manager of the uni's School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, walked into the scene armed with a loud voice and serious tone and began stripping the alleged criminals of all dignity and joy. After an intense warning that send the rebels on the way, some of whom were rumoured to have continued they devious schemes in CATS suite or something, an official email was sent to all current students to avert further such activities.

Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 13:03:22 +1030
David Bowler
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Subject: Inappropriate usage of University Computers

Some students have recently been found playing games on computers in one of the Engineering Computer Labs. A reminder that playing of games on University computers is a breech of the conditions of use. Any further occurrences can expect to result in account suspension.-- David Bowler Computing Services ManagerUniversity of AdelaideElectrical and Electronic EngineeringNorth TerraceAdelaideSA5005AustraliaFax: 61 8 83034360Work: 61 8 83034706This email message is intended only for the addressee(s)and contains information that may be confidential and/orcopyright. If you are not the intended recipient pleasenotify the sender by reply email and immediately deletethis email. Use, disclosure or reproduction of this emailby anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictlyprohibited. No representation is made that this email orany attachments are free of viruses. Virus scanning isrecommended and is the responsibility of the recipient.

This has been kiddo of EEEnoobs reporting. Further updates may be added with more incriminating evidence of the crime.

The third potluck (CANCELLED)

I've been hearing rumor that we are going to have another potluck. Why don't we make it this coming Tuesday(21/11/2006).

I believe we could have it in Gaius' place again. Can you confirm this Gaius?

Everyone please post the dish they want to cook so we can sort it out before monday.

yk & lydia - ginger chicken
jw - drinks (including ice and all) and supervising dani cooking sambal eggs. note: the time we confirm ASAP ya, tues is alrite cos gatusso and i have no badminton that nite =D

NOTE: since no one was particularly interest or had the time to do this, landed up this potluck got called off T.T

yk, edited by jininho @ 1037am

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Crabbing (Rake or Net)?

Just a post about our crabbing plans. Well we have two options, net crabbing at henley (i think) or rake crabbing. Rake crabbing involves more prep..i've been there once during my first year and i cant remember where the heavens it is. THe place is called Thompson beach. Where the heck is that!? .. u asked?

so if you guys are keen on a good adventure we set a tentative date of Monday(15/11/06) cos its a nice and sunny day. I have only 3 rakes though.

Or else, we just go to boring henley?


Blog design..

any crazy ideas for a blog design.. i dun mean crazy as impossible! not like 3D imaging with motion detection etc.. pls.. no such suggestions coz i'm amatuer.. anyway, the easiest idea i've sort of tried is erm.. pretty boring.. have yet to really spice it up.. is still in the making but u can go see.. err.. i know is a bit silly.. but quite cool yar? and i'll have to try get better quality pictures.. not nice when i printscreen.. k lar.. that's it for now.. suggestions ppl? (can post here i guess)


Saturday, November 11, 2006

post-exams stuff to do...(2nd update)

ok peeps...i'm opening this 'discussion' of what to do in the coming days...gotta enjoy each other's company while we still can rite? soon the noobs are going to go our separate ways d...then can sing 'auld lang syne' and have group hugs n all that kinda stuff???? hahahaha or rather some of u can lah here goes...

EEEnoobs things-to-do-in-the-coming-days list (in no particular order cos i'm just typing what comes to mind):

1. go to the beach and play beach volleyball (monday 20th nov)

2. play CS at EM with ming and his gang (thursday 16th nov at 1030am)

3. danny wants to do research -_- hahaha (anytime dani...anytime u want lol)

4. lotsa pool n indoor/outdoor soccer (at various random times =p, but there's indoor on saturday 18th nov @ magill 4-6pm...remember to bring cameras!)

5. go to belgium bar n get some stella's/hoegardens (carter, lily, danna, when is this?)

6. go to lincoln n play dota (duno?)

7. another potluck maybe? actually let's make this one a must...n soon (ask gattuso to organise this one, ) danna offers his humble abode but in return, all leftovers are stored in my fridge.

8. TAKE THAT VIDEO!!! and maybe a pic of us in our respective 4-4-2 positions (erm, someone can handle this?)

9. crabbing!!! crabbing should be heaps good fun...n i heard that it's actually the correct season for that as well (monday 20th nov, coincides with beach volleyball)

10. go for a movie as the noobs (dani say got no nice movies =p)

11. make this webpage better looking (gattuso working on it)

12.hiking (who posted this?!?!?!)

13.go next generation for swim, sauna, spa,jacuzzi,gym, one heck of a workout (costs $10, stephy is a member)

14.driving range (call danna for a good time..rofl. for $10 u can drive lots of balls..)

15. CAIRNS..not so soon i guess :( ! (due to global warming,the great barrier reef isbeing destroyed day by day..)

16. Noobs idol (K-box) ( the noobs can showcase their singing or dancing talents for $6 per hour (happy hour before 9pm i'll be swinging good fun)

17. Play Winning eleven or GT at danna's place (danna thinks he can beat anyone playing with one hand while the other eating peanuts).
pls add in anything u all feel is missing from the list...and just post how/when it's actually going to happen ya =)...

jininho @ 537pm

Thursday, November 09, 2006

tsk tsk... (updated!!)

At the beginning...... on our way to Bean Bar.......

Danna: Hey, are you going to be in EM tomorrow?
Ms. P: donno.
Danna: Do you know how to do Tutorial 3, the last question? (steph thinks: Sigh, another one of Dez's pick up linee)
Ms. P: Er..... approximately.... I think..
Danna: Where are you going now? Can teach me? (Kessi thinks: Very good! Bravo! Very aggressive!!)
Ms. P: Er.... I'm going to toilet.
Danna: Oh.... never mind,. I'll wait for you!! ;)

*And just like that, Danna ditched Kessi and Steph for their coffee break.*

We, kessi and steph, swear to tell the truth, nothing but the truth....

Later on.....
CAUGHT RED HANDED! i tot we were supposed to be studying power...but from the looks of it, danna had to something more fun to study...=p

sigh...dun tell me another noob is leaving the bachelor's club? hahaha....chee tat's going to kill danna d =p

jininho @ 10pm
kessi and Steph @ 12:20am

Kessi - The evil one

hohoho- check it out.... even the counter also agreed that I'm the one....the most EVIL one wuahahaha

kessi - the evil one

'Play' of the day - 9/11/06

today's quote of the day is brought to u by our dear kelvin..

2 days b4 our final exam.. i guess it's a sign of stress.. yar??

danny, desmond, kelvin, steph, me and oh.. william.. met for lunch at penang's today.. i had combination roast and rice!! gd stuff!! except kel-steph's tossed noodles looked better.. anyway, i think i've digressed.. so we were talking about getting back from wayville after sat paper.. u know, walking back, or driving back.. or being driven back.. etc.. and yar.. somehow, it came to the point where we were talking about going kelvin's house after.. i'll play write the next part..

danny: "how 'bout going to ur house?"
danny: "got anything to play?"
kelvin: "yar..."
(kelvin pauses and leans back)
kelvin: "my mum"
(everyone laughs!!)
(everyone stops)
(danny continues laughing)
steph: "that sounded 'wrong'"
(danny is still laughing)

-- curtain --

ok.. u probably had to have been there for it too work.. so yar.. if u missed it... don't worry, many more to come.. i suppose.. okok, back to power elec for me.. tute 2 qn6... the power in a resistor...


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Saturday night planssss

Ya... just wanna try to get everyone attention for our saturday night planssss after our 'BELOVED' power exam.... I think lily and carteris are planning something which i have no idea (definitely something to do with ALCOHOL).... so any other suggestions?

Want to have dinner and coffee? COCOLAT again? or something different Chocolate Bean?? Belgium bar?? Elephant Walk?

So anyone who have any suggestion or idea or what just edit this post la.... easier for all to notice!


Kessi - GOTO drink coffee after dinner my personal favorite.
Dinner in KFC and coffee in McCafe

Steph da great - Dinner in CAG (Chinese Asian Gourmet)
Coffee in Gloria Jean's with Jininho's coupon

Jininho - Badminton traininggggg =D...then maybe have dinner
and a latte before getting absolutely smashed somewhere
(I don't care where)...and what nonsense is this bout sharing my
coupon?!?! It's mineeee =p

kiddo - hmm.. badminton training sounds good! anyone else for it??? hehe.. anyway, how about pool or something after?? sounds gdgd? else err.. just go gaigai lar.. but yar.. not till too late.. my carriage turns back to pumpkin after 12.. actually not, but there's church the next day..

des - sleep


Kessi - the evil one

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Boring??? Try this! (EDITED)

THANKS STEPHIE!!! =D hahaha...i'm a winner! (jininho)

5+5+10=555 ???

Can anyone make this equation correct... just by adding one line without any other modifications... and exclude the unequal sign.....

Good luck ~~ haha


Gloria Jean 2006, 127 Rundle Mall, Adelaide 5000


Winner of our quiz is................. Jininho...........
ok and the prize is one Gloria Jeans Coupon.... haha....
Mr Jininho, please collect ur prize from stephanie!
Thank you!!


Kessi - the evil one

Saturday, November 04, 2006

something to consider when boredom sets in...

tired? bored? just a suggestion of something to do...something to ease the pain of preparing for exams =p.

i haven't played done this for a long long time...but a coupla days back i was at EM as per usual, then suddenly one of our frens (the extinct one according to kessi) came in...n she was being random, challenged me to the game called 'conquer' haha...rings any bells? i haven't played this since primary school i guess she thought that she could bully me and then brag about it =D...methinks she's still trying to find something that she's better than me in (with the exception of shopping + all that girly stuff lol)

guess what? the result of the game is as shown...n no prizes for guessing who used the pen =p, the wannabe conquerer got conquered i guess...nice try tho...well not really *evil laughter*....enuff said.

jininho @ 3+am

Friday, November 03, 2006

New link to our virtual hard drive (EDITED)

Wazzaaa noobies. I have setup a account on the link on the side bar, pls upload any photo or files you would like to share. the login name and password is the same.Is only 1 gig of space,
cheers have fun. Already uploaded the FYD picture.
If anyone has upload anything to share pls post on the blog and announce. not on the side bar chatterbox, cant really see if there is alot of message post there.thank you.
