The EEENOOBS Official Site

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Resolutions for 2007

Due to popular demand, I'm creating this post for all of u noobs to put ur new year resolutions in hehehe...just feel free to edit the post and fill up the lil spaces ya =D, so come on peeps....join in the fun (well yea, there's nothing much to do on the 1st of january anyway since all the shops are closed ZZZZZZ....)

and our new year resolutions areeeee...*drums rolling*:

jininho - after some consideration, i've decided that my resolution for this year would mostly be the same as that for 2006 (cos unlike danna, i dun tend have the same resolution since 2001 =p)...that is to be a blessing to everyone around me, and to let them be happy with my company, hehe erm...besides that i wana grow in every aspect (except sideways lah!), all physically, mentally n spiritually...and to be able to continue adopting my positive + happy outlook on life =)

dannavaro - yup, since resolution has been quitting those damn cigarettes. But why would it work this time around? Because it doesnt matter how many times you fall, just pick yourself up again! Second, I'm gonna be more punctual just because it irritates people..(i dont see what wrong with that)'s ur culture u malaysians!As with all things with life, I shall take things step by step..and personally I think quitting would be one heck of a hurdle. Looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!btw, quitting means smoke-free for 1 whole year. Goodbye Marlboro, you've been a great pal through good and bad times.

kessi - ya I think i really need to change my moody attitude la... ya it wont make others feel happy but at least wont make ppl around me feel bad... especially ya Steph... she know it quite well :P

dani - lolz :p here is my 'list' 1) Have a healthy lifestyle i.e. wake up early, jog and eat breakfast, have sports more consistently 2) Learn how to cook 3) Learn another language (Jap or Korean) or strengthen my mandarin 4) Improve Guitar playing 5) Learn how to lead praise and worship (along with that learning how to sing :p ) 6) To be faithful in sharing on who God is and How good He is :) 7) hmmm...i guess i'll stop here..getting a bit too long, and too 'ideal' to really accomplish these :p ..haha....check up on me to make sure i still jog and etc :p oh ya..and i need to stop touching my hair habit too :p

jininho @ 11.24am on the first day of 2007

Reminiscence of 2006

Since K.K already starting complaining and whining 'bout me not blogging (How should I feel being nagged at, just an hour into a new and exciting year!!..... Thanks K.K ), I've decided to start the new year by BLOGGING!!. It's not gonna be anything interesting or amusing or intriguing, just something simple and straight forward. It's gonna be about each individual who made a difference throughout the year. It's kinda in random order, but I'll start off with whom I became acquainted with first.

JinWeng - It has to be JW, that I first knew. He brought me into the group. Knew him officially..... (was it during that badminton night ? ). Little did I know, it was the beginning of a series of NIGHTMARE from there onwards!! Fault-finding, nerve-wrecking, you name it, you can find it all in him. But he has been an awfully fantastic friend ( and brother, :( .... I still do not quite understand how this brotherly thingie came about ). and 'bunnie' ( whoever you are and if you're reading this ), he may look and sound rotten on the outside, but on the inside, I can assure you he's brilliant! Hence the nick K.K = King Kong, appears to be a big bully, but definitely warm, tender and loving on the inside, a definite keeper!! ( He bribed me to say this )

Kelvin - Kelvin has to be next. Knew him through all those SMSsss he sent during RQC. ( No wonder I did BADLY in that class, how could I be paying attention!! ... hehe ) What else, oh and those countless hours we spent in CATS suite, completing our Digital Micro lab stuffs, and then it'll be supper afterwards. He will have a million and one reasons to be there at the labs and to take me out for supper too, sweeeet isn't it? Most importantly, he's been the wind beneath my wings :) (better not let out any more secretsss....)

Gan - I recalled the first few times I met Gan, it was at the CATS too, finishing our COMSIV matlab assignment, didn't know him well at that time ( since he only showed up for 1 COMsIV class, or none?... ehhe ). I think he stayed over at uni that night, what can I say, last minute job! At first I looked up to him more like a big brother figure, but looked how it turned out!! The total opposite!! I'm his 'big brother' now, ( I didn't know how that popped up too, something about me eating his piece of chicken or something... ).

Yong Kang - Mostly through msn wasn't it, yk? when we first chat. Can't really find the wordsss to describe him, Lydia help me out here, hehe. First impression, a quiet guy? But no no, oh no!! I was completely fooled !!. He can go on and on about stuffs once you get him started.

Gaius - Still can't say I know him well enough yet, but one funny guy. Very straight, no-nonsense type of guy. Definitely cannot win him over an argument/conflict of opinions. Hmm.. need more adjectives to describe him... Mainly a practical, reasonable, realistic, down-to-earth person. Good luck in camp, Gaius.

Danny - Most humble, respectful, modest, selfless person eva! Never fail to help the best he can in all sorts of way, always motivating and encouraging. Has his own weird behaviour sometimes, but still acceptable, haha...

Desmond - Don't quite remember where Dez fits in, seems like he just popped up somewhere in the middle. Dezzy dezzy... lemme see, totally the opposite from adjectives used for Danny or Gaius, hehe...He's hmm... a NOT a punctual person ( everyone agrees on this ), what else... oh, he doesn't know what it actually means to make a new year's resolution.. But no doubt, he's one superbly outstanding fellow, so all the LADIES in town, he's still SAD (Single, Available and Desperate!!).

Hong Li - This guy is complicated, hehe don't know him well enough to say that, but he's into deep thoughts all the time. Mysterious guy. OOoohhh, and very secretive too! Hmm.... very very VERY, and I can't emphasize enough how VERY serious he is about movies and Irish Coffee....Has sophisticated taste and opinions about movies, and never ever ever serve him a 'fake' Irish made coffee!

So, here it is, a toast to my buddies, through thick and thin, happiness and sorrow, ups and downs, may we never lose or forget this link of friendship!

Yours truly,

Thursday, December 28, 2006

bbq on pre new year eve!!!

yo peeps,
bbq at the 30th is changed to 630pm

venue: lincoln
food:sausages and wings ( if wan steak BYO)
beverage: ask danny(if wan beer BYO)

see you there then.


Friday, December 22, 2006

CHriSTmaS TiME!!!

sooo.. ye graduates! look around.. the world is ur oyster.. a myriad of choices confront u.. choose wisely.. BUT for me.. i'm free!!! from all that.. NS awaits.. time to make my nation proud! yar wadeva.. hey all! still holidaying hard?? it's been so loooong since anyone did something on the blog.. lazy bummss! =P. soso hope everyone is doing ok?? i'll be leaving Sunday after all i think.. unlikely i'll be getting today's flight since i'm still on the waiting list.. and i don't want to standby at the airport.. is just more stressful.. so yar.. an extra day of Adelaide for me..

pictures pictures! where are they??? someone post leh?? i can't yet coz the camera cable in S'pore i think.. will do it when i get back.. hey.. not sure if most of u know but the most unlikely thing happened on my melbourne cartrip.. i bumped into Danny at the Twelve Apostles!!! shocking yar? and then i drove to the next town to bunk and during dinner i got a call from Jin.. guess what? we were in the same town!!! Apollo Bay! wow.. so cool yar?! and then later i met Danny again in melboune shopping.. so yar.. the world not such a big place after all.. figuritively speaking of course..

btw, recent rumours of a certain someone being 5th in EEE has been confirmed to be UNTRUE! Further investigations by the certain someone revealed the actual stat was 8th.. so yar.. which actually sounds much more reasonable.. if u dun understand all this, just let it passby.. like a err.. "nesimi lecture"?

hmm.. what else can i write.. oh that's right.. CHRISTMAS is coming!!! hmm.. anyone else excited??? presents! colourful trees! family gatherings! presents! food! carols! PRESENTS! hmm.. but wait.. is it really about all that? hehe.. expecting some sort of christmas sermon i'll bet.. but NO.. i'm much more original to do something like that! or am i??

well.. i just wanna encourage u guys to maybe go for a christmas church service on monday if u can.. coz yar.. i'm sure u'll enjoy it.. to really sink into the core of what Christmas is about.. JESUS! Was He just a good man? a legend? a religious man? or was He someone more.. someone greater.. should i really be talking about him in past tense? Ever wonder what he did to earn himself the center point for dates? (i.e. BC and AD).. do find out more for urselves.. coz i believe He is greater than all those.. far greater.. It doesn't matter the fact Christmas Day might be on the wrong date (i.e. not 25th dec). or that commercialism has been covering up the real star of Christmas.. (fyi.. Santa is not really real! ;P) k lar.. will leave u to find out more.. engineers are very resourceful yar?

k lar.. i better end this soon. else i'll be ranked higher on your boring list.. *shudder*.. so, y'all take care of urselves.. and each other over here.. keep in touch guys.. the future awaits! cya



Friday, December 08, 2006

The Makeover

Hope ya all like it.. is a bit hard to read but i'll keep working on it when i have the time.. if anyone has violent objections to the new look, i can put the old one back.. no prob..

kiddo out.