The EEENOOBS Official Site

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

An interesting survey

A student in NTU wrote this to his/her lecturer:

"Is your moustache the source of your knowledge? If it is, please don't set the exam so hard because most of us don't have a moustache!!!"

P/S: I want to be Kantona, not kangkang

Monday, October 30, 2006

Quote of the day!!!! (with 'derivation')

Quote of the day is brought to you by stephie!!!!!

"don't go to bangkok,coz bangkok bites"


if anyone is wondering how this quote made the cut... like every other famous/infamous quote, there's a story behind it.. so get out the popcorn, sit back and relax.. coz here it comes.. dun worry no advertisements! woohoo!

once upon a time in Adelaide.. some of the eeenoobs were having a very normal lunch at CAG (Chinese Asian Gourmet) . Somehow, danny mentioned how Bangkok Bites in the old food court @ Chinatown was gd coz they didn't charge for da bao-ing leftovers.. i think this was precipitated by desmond not finishing his food and ending up da bao-ing (surprise surprise! ..can u sense the sarcasm?) so yar... that's when IT happened! The out-of-the-blue statement from our one and only stephie... wait for it.. wait for it.. "don't go to Bangkok, coz Bangkok Bites"! said with conviction and everything.. (cheer cheer!) so there it is.. the humble beginnings of a statement of incomparable wisdom by our dear stephie..

tune in again for more quotes from the eeenoobs gang... and prepare urself to be astounded!


Sunday, October 29, 2006

KFC dinner on roof top

Not so long ago, after the dispensing of our formal top. We had dinner on the roof.
We all had KFC and Prof Yowie took this photo while we were enjoying our food.

This is post by request from the prof.

Prof. Yowie Birthday Dinner (edited...)

A long long time ago, in an overly priced chinese restaurant called 'Imperial Peking' restaurant we celebrated our beloved Prof. Yowie 21st birthday. Since my memory is currently being overwritten by optical comms and peds..i barely remember what happened..lets see whether these pics can reenact what happened.....

yes..the ever so cool prof yowie and adorable jininho leaning on the infamous SLK. we were waiting for the rest to arrive...

Not long after, the dinner started...cant rememeber what we ate except the absoultely delicious 'yin yang' soup which we ended up paying the most for. Oh yeah..there was some tea duck and some shredded beef thingy. The dinner went alrite except for a few disgruntled complains by Dani , prof yowie and Arthuro about the price and quantity. But that did not dampened the joyous mood of the noobs.

The smiles on everyone's face was evident. We were priviledged to have GFC (Gaius Fan Club) no.1 fan who also happens to be dannavaro's 'significant other'..if u know what i mean (Lim 2006). The ever bubbly and cheerful Jasmine. =) After all tummies were was time for the customary cake eating and prize giving .

The lights went dim and the waitresses ( not so hot) brought the cake out. The wh ole scene was immortalized here:
The eeenoobs is now on YouTube..hooray.!

The smile on the professor's face ...speaks a thousand sentence ("this is a waste of time") . The professor does not conform to social norms..that's wat make him such a wonderful
The cake..bought by stephy,kessi, and yong kang..bought at David Jones..they sell the best cakes in Adelaide ( yup..i'm paid to write this). Anyways...we then proceeded to the price giving ceremony..we gave him a football jersey to acknowledge his prowess and skill in futsal. Prof yowie or 'Gattuso' is the best futsal player after Dannavaro. (Ng 2006) must be referenced.

The signing ceremony with KangKang Dani, Gatusso and Ganinho. Gatusso looking good in the jersey with onlookers admiring.

Okay..this post is specially for the Prof. Yowie aka Gattuso aka Gaius. We love you and he will be missed.

p/s:when was this again?

des (+ jininho)

the end is near!

wow.. can't believe our uni life is almost over!!!!!! any woohoos?? can't believe how relaxed we are this round of exams.. tsk tsk.. is almost as though we were already done.. is there a point i'm driving at?? none watsoever! i'm just de-stressing after hours of unproductive FM study.. almost done with this horrid subject.. hope the others are doing better than me.. r..i..t..e.. seems like final year din was lots of FUN! eh "dessy"?? soso!! put more pics up lar!! and yar any videos of charlie and da band??? k lar.. i'm just going on and on without anything meaningful to say... so i'd better hit the books again.. adios amigos.

gaius (err... not "prof yowie" or anything)

Friday, October 27, 2006

Final Year Dinner - PHOTOS

Ok,....1st we have our team (before goin to the "next stage").....from left...henry, Dannavaro, Lily Ling, Ganinho, Jininho, Kessi (me) and our photograher (stephadinho)

Next is our girl team... from left we have Ganinho's PA Yu Ting, next is being awarded the night most stunning person, stephadinho, then Jawetha, Dayana and lastly, our EEE nearly 'extinct' woman, PCP.......

During the process to "next stage"....

After the process....Dessy said: "IELTS...WTF....too easy for me"

Next, we have the new "Campanile" in Adelaide....

Ya...this is everyone after a few drinks...

This is what dessy dream of for his life.... haha (dessy, I booked the girl on your LHS d....haha)

Two most important person in EEE noobs without them, we wont have this picture.....
OKOK dun scold me.......enough for today d....

Thursday, October 26, 2006

the best things in life...are worth 5 bucks.

haha, the bbq this afternoon...rocked.

for 5 bux, u get to erm...sit outdoors, breathe in the fresh (sometimes cold) air, line up in this MASSIVELY long queue waiting for the sausages to cook, land up smelling exactly like the sausages themselves cos u waited too long in the queue, watching the lecturers n nerd-ier students mucking around having so-called 'intelligent' conversations, ahhhh...isn't that the life everyone so secretly desires? oh yeah...did i mention that a certain professor was sitting idly on the grass looking cool in his sunnies, n totally forgetting the fact that he hadta e-mail his wonderful students a template for their poster?!?!?! names will be recorded here =p.

on the more interesting side of things, at least Ian Matthews proved to be entertaining, sharing this wonderful story about how some random guy (or according to Gaius, definitely a gal =p) managed to blow up ALL the capacitors on the board doing the radio receiver experiment? i bet the whole class had a laugh...i most certainly would have lollll...oh ya oh ya...n the sight of the 2 most LCLY people in elec eng discussing ways how to be even more LC to the students, least we're all going to grad d...if nothing goes wrong that is. dun worry ganinho, ur turn in one sem's time =D

come to think about it...that 5 bux might have actually been worth it after all.

jininho @ 1.15am

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ganinho's ratings on food services

So far we usualy have our lunch at either cag or penang. i found both places's service has degraded. with penang, order anything from roast duck to roast pork with rice or tossed noodles will be fine. other anything else sometimes they will take forever.
today i went to cag. orderedchicken rice....waited for almost 20 minutes also havent come..... they have anything againts me?? dissapointed........
so penang ratings has gone from A to B
and cag has drop from A to B-
maybe we should change our lunch place to kfc forever from now on....

peace out

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

hmm...where is everyone

I came to uni late today about 4...(i know is late)
but nobody semms to be around, only dani and arthuro, so i went dinner with them..sad to say we went to cag again.
Remember thursday is bbq day be there and eat untill you vomit.


Thursday, October 19, 2006

the team!!

Formation 4-4-2...and the names should be self explanatory, hopefully =p...when are we going to create our soccer clip again? =D

Dani KangKang Kessi Dannavaro
Arthuro Jininho Gattuso Van Carterz
Ganinho Lily Ling
jininho again...

where to eat ah?

everyday also same question...a bit sien rite...@.@...if no one got any more suggestions...then we all go mayo every single day lah, can eat chips n gravy :D...with extra 4 nuggets (or isit 3?) whatever lah, beats penang, cag, mei wei even tho haven't been there for ages...hungry jacks ah, cannot lahhhh...i think this year i've had way too many bacon deluxes d...=p

jininho (who else)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

First Post

Welcome to the noobs page.

Here are the members.
Last row:(from left) Ming Dannavaro Kessi Stephadinho Ganinho
Mid row:(from left)Dani Gattuso Jininho Kang Kang
Front row: Lily Ling