A long long time ago, in an overly priced chinese restaurant called 'Imperial Peking' restaurant we celebrated our beloved Prof. Yowie 21st birthday. Since my memory is currently being overwritten by optical comms and peds..i barely remember what happened..lets see whether these pics can reenact what happened.....

yes..the ever so cool prof yowie and adorable jininho leaning on the infamous SLK. we were waiting for the rest to arrive...
Not long after, the dinner started...cant rememeber what we ate except the absoultely delicious 'yin yang' soup which we ended up paying the most for. Oh yeah..there was some tea duck and some shredded beef thingy. The dinner went alrite except for a few disgruntled complains by Dani , prof yowie and Arthuro about the price and quantity. But that did not dampened the joyous mood of the noobs.

The smiles on everyone's face was evident. We were priviledged to have GFC (Gaius Fan Club) no.1 fan who also happens to be dannavaro's 'significant other'..if u know what i mean (Lim 2006). The ever bubbly and cheerful Jasmine. =) After all tummies were filled..it was time for the customary cake eating and prize giving .
The lights went dim and the waitresses ( not so hot) brought the cake out. The wh ole scene was immortalized here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85kiEVIf74gThe eeenoobs is now on YouTube..hooray.!

The smile on the professor's face ...speaks a thousand words..actually..one sentence ("this is a waste of time") . The professor does not conform to social norms..that's wat make him such a wonderful boy..err..guy..man.

The cake..bought by stephy,kessi, and yong kang..bought at David Jones..they sell the best cakes in Adelaide ( yup..i'm paid to write this). Anyways...we then proceeded to the price giving ceremony..we gave him a football jersey to acknowledge his prowess and skill in futsal. Prof yowie or 'Gattuso' is the best futsal player after Dannavaro. (Ng 2006)..LOL..yes..claims must be referenced.
The signing ceremony with KangKang Dani, Gatusso and Ganinho. Gatusso looking good in the jersey with onlookers admiring.
Okay..this post is specially for the Prof. Yowie aka Gattuso aka Gaius. We love you and he will be missed.
p/s:when was this again?
des (+ jininho)